Steve Jones Announces Early Retirement From BYU
Friends and Colleagues:
BYU issued a press release today -- I have elected to take early retirement from BYU. I don't have the actual release -- it will be in local papers tomorrow and may be on the BYU web site now.
I feel that this is a good move for me. I have been contacted by another school about joining their faculty, and may do so -- but no decision on that yet. I think it will work out for the best. I assure you all that I will continue in my research on 9/11 issues, and speaking out -- should have more time for these activities in fact.
With this window of opportunity, I sent the letter below to local newspapers; perhaps it could be posted at, Jim, if you wish. "Dr. Jones letter to newspaper editors upon announcement of his retirement from BYU," or something like that.
I feel good about this -- not angry with BYU, moving on and happy with it overall.
Thanks for all your support, especially to those who signed the petition at in my behalf.
My sincere thanks to all my friends in the 9/11 truth community worldwide; we have a great, growing community of intelligent, caring people. We can do this!
Steven E. Jones
Physicist / 20 October 2006